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By Dr. Devan Boss


Temperatures are rising.  It’s a great time to enjoy the outdoors with your pets.  Its also a great time for ticks!   Ticks can become active at 4 degrees Celsius, therefore tick season in Alberta starts approximately mid-late April and doesn’t end until October.   

While tick bites themselves pose minimal threat to pets, some types of ticks can carry disease.  The most important tick-borne disease in Alberta is Lyme disease, which is carried by specific types of ticks.


Symptoms of Lyme disease can include a “bulls-eye” rash at the bite site, nausea, decreased appetite, muscle and joint pain and a fever.  In 2018 only approximately 4% of all ticks tested in Alberta were positive for Lyme disease, therefore the risk of infection Alberta at this time is considered low.


Using a monthly parasite prevention program can help decrease the likelihood of your pet contracting tick-born disease.  Speak to your veterinarian about what medications would be best for your pet.

Avoiding walking in tall grassy or wooded areas, instead stick to cleared trails.   Check yourself and pets for ticks after being outside.


If you do find a tick on your pet, it is important to remove the entire tick, including the head that can sometimes get stuck in the skin.   If you are concerned about removal, contact your veterinarian’s office for assistance.  Your veterinarian can help identify the tick and, if applicable, submit it for testing to determine if it is carrying disease.    

If you are concerned that your pet is exhibiting symptoms of Lyme disease, or if they were previously exposed to ticks, ask your veterinarian about testing options for your pet.


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